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Spay it Forward!

An auction support ANIMAL VILLAGE NM.

Action Starts  March 20th.

We need your help

We need your support and cooperation so that we may continue to subsidize low-income spay/neuter surgeries, provide pet food to area food banks, and transport death-row dogs and cats


Surgeries since 2007 preventing thousands of unwanted births.


Tons of pet food/year distributed to food banks


Of food bank recipients requesting pet food to feed hungry pets 

Our Services

Contact us to access these services

Become a Volunteer

Volunteering is a rewarding experience that benefits the animals and our volunteers.


The need for low-cost spay/neuter services is a crucial one for every community in New Mexico, where the pet abandonment rate is the highest in America! Event planning, strategic planning, new veterinary partners, all help is appreciated to improve the quality of life for animals in New Mexico. Give us a call and let us know about your skillsets! Sunny Aris, Director/Co-Founder 575-415-8310


Other Ways To Help

Animal Village
Fund Raisers
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Shoe Drive
Help us by donating your old shoes

For the last 7 years we've been partnering with Funds2Orgs to help raise money for Animal Village New Mexico.​ We earn $1000 every  2500 pairs collected, which funds 25 surgeries every time we do that! It's a lot of work, and we appreciate the help of Christopher Wright of Ruidoso, our Board President, who is now managing this program! Our collection boxes are currently located at the following businesses:

Otero County: White Sands Mall inside by ATM, and Alamogordo/Tularosa First Savings Banks, and Southern New Mexico Surgery Center.

Lincoln County: Ruidoso Community Center, Ruidoso Athletic Club, First Savings Bank, and BLue Lotus Day Spa.

If you know of a high traffic business location where we can place a shoe collection box, please phone us at 575-415-8310!

Help us make difference for animals in need! Animal Village partners with local businesses and charities that will help to provide food, low cost spay/neuter, and shelter food 

Learn to Make Stained Glass
25% of proceeds go directly to Animal Village

Ever wanted to create your own beautiful stained glass piece? Now’s your chance! Join Billy Mack at the New Mexico Art Glass Center and learn the timeless craft of cutting, assembling, and designing colorful glass masterpieces.

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